Synapse is Virtual Production
for filmmakers by filmmakers.
Synapse takes a holistic approach to Virtual Production, offering a curated umbrella of services that safeguards our clients and shepherds them through the entire process.
This begins with the very earliest stages of the production chain in the bidding process – breaking down the storytelling needs and how those can be achieved via the host of techniques available to productions today – and continues on through the development of any virtual art and environmental assets required. We then advise and guide filmmakers through the physical on-set execution of their planned vision.
However, Synapse is so much more than just a virtual production solution. By adopting a “one-stop shop” model, we offer a complete spectrum of services related to and supporting the various facets of immersive visual/storytelling technology, including:

The technologies that drive Virtual Production span multiple industries, sectors and applications. And it is for this reason that Synapse is more than just a company offering an LED stage.
Our team has a diverse range of skills and experience across many disparate visual, interactive, live-event and experiential platforms. That background enables us to leverage those skills to offer the most sweeping and forward-thinking solution to your specific needs. We are more than excited to hear about your projects and collaborate on the most dynamic and inspired solution.
Consulting for Virtual Production
and Interactive Technologies:
Bidding/Job Breakdown
LED Stage Design/Engineering
R&D for Next-Gen Technology Implementations
Bespoke Software/Engineering Solutions
Third-Party Revue

While it is your creative ideas that most excite and inspire us, the hardware and software needed to realize these visions are still a huge component in this endeavor.
Synapse has carefully forged long-standing relationships across multiple industries to nurture personal, preferential contacts with all the necessary equipment providers, yielding us a fast track to procuring the latest technological bits and bobs, at the most competitive prices.
Preferred Hardware Advisement
and Acquisition:
LED Tiles
Video Processor Systems
Render Nodes
All Requisite Rigging
IT Hardware and Infrastructure
Tracking Systems

While we love having you come shoot on one of our LED Volume stages, we also welcome helping you design, install, optimize and operate your own Virtual stages. Our team is here to help you realize a best-practice design and utilization of your particular stage space, factoring in the realities of time, physical space and budget.
Custom VP Stage Designs & Build-outs:
Custom Stage Designs Tailored to Specific Client Requirements
Location Surveys and Assessments​
Structural Engineering
Plans & Permits
CAD Drawings
Volume Rigging, Install and Optimization
IT Engineering, Support and Management
Staffing Infrastructure/Recruitment
On-Set Operations Training

Synapse’s premiere LED Volume stage is located in the heart of Los Angeles and provides complete physical production support for all aspects of Virtual Production. The stage is serviced by an expert team of artists, technicians and operators at the forefront of this exciting technology and the facilities can support all scales of production with boutique production office space, additional soundstages and even studio backlot options.
Synapse Volume Stage in Los Angeles:
Stage Rental/Support
On-site with access to additional Soundstages and Hollywood Backlot
Our volume space has been carefully crafted to provide a seamless production experience. From its forward-thinking layout, high-speed capability of up 60 fps, nearly a 180-degree LED panel viewing angle with no color artifacting, to an industry-best uninterrupted LED wall to full-resolution ceiling transition.
Synapse Volume Stage Specs:
New-construction 18,000s/f Soundstage.
150’ (wide) x 120’ (deep) x 35’ to the grid.
6000 Amps (4x 1500 amp 3 phase).
Synapse LED Volume Dimensions:
57' (wide) x 33' (deep) x 22' (high) “U” Shape configuration.
2 Moveable 10’x18’ “Wild” LED Walls.

Volume Specs:
High Resolution 2.3mm LED panels on both the 200-degree walls and the full ceiling.
Uninterrupted Seamless Wall/Ceiling transition, allowing for true Final Pixel In-Camera wide and low-angle shots.
Dual Frustum Stype RedSpy (v3) Inside-Out Camera tracking capabilities.
Additional Stype Outside-In Object tracking system.
Full-3D Unreal Engine 5.1-based content ready.
2D Media Playback system for applications such as Car Process.

One of the primary barriers to entry into this exciting facet of film production is obtaining or generating the content that will be displayed on the LED volume screens.
Finding an LED wall to shoot isn’t the issue, it’s all of the hurdles that come with that prospect that can trip up a prospective VP client.

Virtual Art Department (VAD):
Script Breakdown/Consultation
Previsualization (PreVis) & Tech Visualization (TechViz)
Full Service Virtual Art Department
Collaborative Virtual Environment Design/Creation
Environmental Scanning/LIDAR Asset Acquisition
2D Plate Capture and Processing
Optimization of existing assets
Access to Synapse’s extensive Digital Asset/Backlot

From the ground up, Synapse has curated the Virtual Production experience to encapsulate all aspects of the process under one banner. And all of this process hinges on the most basic of questions: What do we display virtually and what do we need to build physically?
Like the physical art department, the digital content/environments displayed on the volume’s LED panels likewise need a “Virtual Art Department” similarly designing, iterating and delivering these virtual assets, all in concert with the director, producer, cinematographer and production designer to work in concert with each other.
Physical Production Services:
Full-3D (Tracked Cameras) LED Volume utilizing Unreal Engine
2D LED Volume w/ Media Server Playback
On-Set Operations
Performance/Motion Capture
2D/3D Vehicle Process

The team at Synapse are a battle-tested group of creative and innovative filmmakers who have a combined experience of more than 150 years in the production arena. Among this curated collective is a representative from every department and discipline in film and technology. This broad spectrum of knowledge and experience enables us to quickly gauge the current states of this fast-moving industry and have an active hand in creating the new breakthrough technologies that will drive the process into the future.
Toward that end, Synapse is devoted to the sharing of knowledge and cultivating the talent and techniques that will support this industry moving forward. Our team has decades of experience in film-based education, working directly with prominent Universities such as RIT, USC and Texas A&M, as well as prestigious industry institutions like the Global Cinematography Institute and the American Society of Cinematographers.